What to Expect
Our convictions about corporate worship…
God’s love for the church is dynamic and personal, transforming us from people who are naturally preoccupied with ourselves into a community of Christian believers committed to loving others with the same love we have received from God. We gather on a weekly basis to express heartfelt worship to God. Together we lift up (exalt) the name of Jesus and together enjoy (exult) Him and His presence. Our worship includes singing, music, prayer, communion, and expository preaching based explicitly on passages from the Bible. We celebrate and articulate the Good News of what God has done through Jesus Christ—in history and in our lives.
Our convictions about expository preaching…
We believe the centerpiece of the worship service is the preaching of God’s Word. Because the Bible is inerrant, we can trust what it says and know God’s will for our lives. Therefore, when we gather in corporate worship we are together sitting beneath the authority of God himself as He speaks to us from His Word. Our beliefs about the Bible lead us to accept expository preaching as the best-suited method of preaching for allowing God to speak through the text. Here is what we mean by “expository preaching”:
Expository preaching is the process of laying open a Bible text in such a way that the Holy Spirit’s intended meaning and attending power are brought to bear on the lives of contemporary listeners. — Jim Shaddix
You can preview a Grace Pointe sermon through our podcast:
To learn about exposition and learn how to exposit the Sciptures for yourself, click below.
Our convictions about discipling children…
We take our responsibility seriously to support you and co-disciple your children with you, as you share the opportunity with us. Our Grace Pointe Kids classes provide weekly teaching in a safe, secure environment with fully background-checked and vetted volunteers. We secure each room with a check-in/check-out system that allows you to check-in your kids each week and receive a ticket you can use to pick them up after service. Please visit the Grace Pointe Kids welcome kiosk each week to check your children in before service begins.
- Children in grades K-5 worship with us for the first half of our service and then move to our children’s ministry area to engage in Bible classes designed for their age level.
- Children from newborns to preschool have a separate area in which they spend the whole service being cared for and taught by our certified leaders. You can check them in as early as 9:40 am each week.
Remember, all children attending our Grace Pointe Kids ministry must be checked in to get their name tag before service begins. High school and middle school students join us for worship the entire service.
When and where are the worship services?
We meet Sundays at 10:00 am at 29 East 13th Street, Saint Cloud, Fl 34769.
What should I wear?
In Florida, we go casual. Shorts and flip-flops are common. You’ll see others in jeans, slacks, suits, and dresses.
What is the music like?
Our musical worship is piano- and acoustic-guitar-lead by our Worship Leader, Brian Ames, and other vocalists. The music selection ranges from traditional hymns to the latest worship music that is God-centered and God-honoring.
What about mid-week gatherings?
We also meet in smaller gatherings called Life Groups. These groups provide an opportunity for us to apply what we are learning from the Bible while building authentic relationships and serving others together.