Grace Pointe Church is affiliated with Converge, a church planting network. Below are commonly asked questions related to Converge and our affiliation. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Learn more about Converge.

Why affiliate with a network?

We believe that churches are stronger together and that the Great Commission is meant to be fulfilled by all of God’s people, everywhere. The Great Commission is a “team sport” and we desire to link arms with other churches in obedience to our King.

Who is Converge?

Converge is a movement of churches working to help people meet, know and follow Jesus. We do this by starting and strengthening churches together worldwide. For over 165 years we’ve helped churches bring life change to communities in the U.S. and around the world through church planting and multiplication, leadership training and global missions.

Converge is committed to starting missionally-minded churches until every people group and community has heard the gospel. We start churches that start churches to see lives changed with Christ’s love and truth. Converge Church Planting provides a clear pathway for church planters to plant a new church, campus or to multiply their church. Converge created proven church planting strategies, systems, and training all designed to improve success so that more people will have the opportunity to accept Jesus.

The History of Converge

Is Converge a new network?

No, Converge has a long, rich history stemming back over a century and a half. Organized in 1879, the Swedish Baptist General Conference evolved into the Baptist General Conference in 1945 and into Converge in 2008. Like many Christians across the centuries, Converge believers combine doctrinal orthodoxy with life-changing experiential faith. We encourage you to learn more about the history of Converge by watching the video to the right and reading this document, The Story of Converge.

Why is church planting so important?

Simply put, “new churches reach new people in new ways.” Church planting is at the heart of the Great Commission, for where ever new people are coming to Christ in the world, they are commanded in the New Testament to assemble in worship and live their lives together. Check out this short video regarding Converge’s 312 vision.