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Where should you start when “making disciples?”

Everyone needs a Paul, a Barnabas, and a Timothy.


to build into our lives and guide us


to labor and work alongside us


to pass along what we have learned

Three important questions to ask:

Who is discipling me?

Who is my Paul?

Who am I laboring with?

Who is my Barnabas?

Who am I discipling?

Who is my Timothy?

If you’ve never answered these questions and want to take your first steps in discipleship

Ask God to give you a Paul and choose a path below.

If you don’t know where to begin contact us and we can try to pair you with a Paul.

Important truth for all stages of faith:

1. Just for Starters

7 weeks on 7 foundational biblical truths important for all believers.

2. Christian Living for Starters

7 weeks on 7 foundational spiritual realities important for all believers.

For those looking to reinvigorate their faith:

Back to Basics

7 weeks on 7 biblical truths for all believers looking to reinvigorate their faith.